CPCS Sustainable Development Highlights 2021-2022

CATHAY PACIFIC CATERING SERVICES (H.K.) LTD. 國泰航空飲食服務(香港)有限公司 可持續發展亮點 2021 - 2022 I 19 CASE STUDY 案例研究 Deli-Delight Mooncake Donation 品悅月餅捐贈 As a responsible corporate citizen of Hong Kong, we frequently look for opportunities to give back to our communities, especially around the festive holidays. To celebrate the 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival, we joined hands with Mother’s Choice, St. James’ Settlement, Society for Community Organisation, and Schools of Hong Chi Association to distribute around 7,000 pieces of our own-brand Deli-Delight Mooncake to over 2,500 beneficiaries, including children in institutional homes, low-income families, and senior citizens. Being recognised as a “20 years+ Caring Company”, caring for the community is one of our core values. The impacts of COVID-19 have emphasised the responsibilities that companies such as ours can bear in creating positive change and supporting those in need. In 2021, we donated over 300,000 pre-prepared meals to spread love and support the needy in Hong Kong during the pandemic. 作為獲頒「20年Plus商界展關懷」標誌的公司,關懷社區是我們的核心價值之一。在新冠疫情的影響下,更突顯了企業在創造正面 改變和支援有需要人士方面所承擔的責任。在2021年,我們捐贈了共超過300,000份餐膳食予社會上有需要的人士,在疫情期 間向他們傳遞愛心與支持。 作為一家肩負公民責任的企業,我們積極回饋社 區,尤其希望在節日期間將祝福和喜悅傳遞到本 地社區。 為慶祝2022年中秋佳節,我們聯同 母親的抉擇、聖雅各福群會、香港社區組織協 會和匡智會學校,將自家製作的約7,000件 品悅月餅分發予超過 2,500 名受惠者,其中 包括護理機構的兒童、低收入家庭及長者。 Community 社區